Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Webinar: July 8, 7 pm - Care Counts in Crisis: What College Admissions Deans Value in Students During the Pandemic

You are invited to a Zoom webinar.

When: Jul 8, 2020 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Topic: Care Counts in Crisis: What College Admissions Deans Value in Students During the Pandemic

Care Counts in Crisis: What College Admissions Deans Value in Students During the Pandemic
Together with Grown & Flown, Making Caring Common, a project of the Harvard Graduate School of Education, invites you to join a discussion of the Deans' Statement released last week, and endorsed by over 350 admission leaders, to convey what college admission deans value in admissions during the pandemic.

Our panelists will be:
• Amin Abdul-Malik Gonzalez, Vice President and Dean of Admission and Financial Aid at Wesleyan University
• Richard Weissbourd, Faculty Director of Making Caring Common
• Beth Wiser, Executive Director of Undergraduate Admission at The Ohio State University

Our guests will answer questions and reflect on the collective statement: "Care Counts in Crisis: College Admissions Deans Respond to COVID-19" which provides guidance on self-care, academic work, service to others, family contributions, and extracurricular and summer activities.

Register in advance for this webinar:

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Webinar Wednesdays by Providence College

Providence College is hosting webinars throughout the summer on general college admissions topics including financial aid, writing the college essay and college interviews.  Free and available to anyone interested.

Previous Webinars: Career Education & Professional DevelopmentUndeclared Advising ProgramMental Health Awareness and ServicesGlobal Education OpportunitiesProvidence College TraditionsCollege Essay Writing Workshop


315 College Admission Deans Prioritizes Self-Care and Care for Others During the Pandemic

Information For:

What deans value in admissions during the pandemic.

A new collective statement from more than 315 college admissions deans released today by the Making Caring Common project at the Harvard Graduate School of Education seeks to send clear messages about what college admissions deans value in students during this time. It also aims to relieve stresses on students and their caregivers.
Care Counts in Crisis: College Admissions Deans Respond to COVID-19” provides guidance on self-care, academic work, service to others, family contributions, and extracurricular and summer activities.
“Students and parents understandably have many questions about what college admissions deans are expecting during this time of the pandemic, and there’s all sorts of misinformation swirling around,” says Richard Weissbourd, the Faculty Director of Making Caring Common. “This statement seeks to answer these questions, to dispel the fog of misinformation and to affirm the deans’ commitment to meaningful learning, equity, and care for self and others.”More specifically, this statement underscores the following:
  1. Self-Care. The deans recognize that many families during this time are struggling to get by and that a wide range of students are dealing with stresses of many kinds. The statement encourages students to take care of themselves.
  2. Academic Work. While the deans emphasize that students’ academic work matters to them during the pandemic, they also recognize that many students are facing obstacles to academic work. The deans underscore that they will assess academic achievements in the context of these obstacles, and mainly base assessments of academic achievement on work before and after this pandemic. They further state that no student will be disadvantaged because “of their school’s decisions about transcripts, the absence of AP or IB tests, their lack of access to standardized tests (although many of the colleges represented here don’t require these tests), or their inability to visit campus.”