Thursday, May 18, 2017

NACAC Video Essay Contest - sponsored by zeemee

Video Essay Contest - sponsored by zeemee

Are you an 11th or 12th grader in the Boston area? Or are you a Massachusetts community college student? Then you’re eligible to participate in a video essay contest sponsored by the National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC) and its Inclusion, Access, and Success Committee. As an association of nearly 16,000 members dedicated to helping students consider all their options after high school, NACAC holds the contest each year to showcase the talents of students in our conference city and help ease students’ financial transition to higher education.

$20,000 in scholarships will be awarded, with $5,000 for the top-place submission. The winners will be recognized at NACAC’s 73rd National Conference, Sept.14-16, 2017, at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center. The deadline to submit your video is June 1.

You only need a camera phone (or camera) and your creativity to enter!

How to Enter
  1. Create a video in response to the following prompt: Why is continuing your education after high school important to you?
  2. Video entries must include the following at some point: "My name is ___________ and I'm ______________ (junior or senior) from _____________ (high school) in ___________ (town).” OR  "My name is ___________ and I'm a student at_____________ (community college) in ___________ (town).”
  3. Video entries should be no more than 2 minutes in length.
  4. Video entries must be created by an individual student. No joint entries (video created by two or more students) will be considered.
  5. Submissions are limited to one video per student, and all videos must be submitted via ZeeMee.
  6. To submit your video your must do two things. First, create a free account at Include your first and last name so we know who you are, and then upload your video entry in the Meet Me Video section of your ZeeMee page. Student accounts should be set to private.

    Then, after you upload your video to ZeeMee, fill out our submission form. You must complete both steps in order to be eligible for the contest.
  7. All videos must be uploaded to ZeeMee on or before June 1.
Students from all backgrounds and academic preparation are encouraged to apply. Your submission should be well-thought out and prepared—similar to the preparation that would go into writing a school paper—with the freedom to showcase your voice and talents. Be yourself, show your creative side!
Additional Tips

  • If you use your cell phone, be sure to film in landscape. If you film in portrait, your video will be sideways and people will have to tilt their heads to watch.
  • Don’t speak too fast. You want us to understand what you are saying.
  • Speak clearly and confidently. This is your time to shine. Engage us!
  • Have fun! Although this is a contest, it should be an enjoyable experience for you as well.
  • If you're looking for music in the background, check out Jamendo for royalty free tunes

$20,000 in scholarships to be awarded, with $5,000 for the top-place submission.

Video Evaluation Criteria
Videos will be evaluated on the following criteria and given a mark on a scale of 0-5 (0 being absent and 5 being extraordinary).
Criteria )
  1. Ideas Development (5 points) - Did you answer the question? Are your ideas well explained?
  2. Thoughtfulness (5 points) - Do we get a sense of who you are, a window to your world? Do you demonstrate self-awareness and awareness of others?
  3. Clarity/Effectiveness (5 points) - Can we see how your ideas are connected? Can we understand the thoughts you are trying to convey?
  4. Quality (5 points) - Submission is well-thought out and prepared.
  5. Creativity (5 points) - Are your ideas presented in an interesting, creative, or otherwise appropriate way?

For more information, contact us.

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