Saturday, August 29, 2020

Siena College is hosting College Talk Tuesdays. 

September 1: College Application Workshop
September 8: College Essay Workshop
September 15: Choosing a Major
September 22: First Generation College Students
September 29: Affordability
October 6: Ask Admissions Anything

Sessions are from 7-8 p.m. Students and parents can sign up for the ones they're interested in here:

Note: This is open to all students and parents.

College Application Process During COVID: A Virtual Event for Seniors, Juniors, and Parents

This winter, high school juniors and seniors must manage all the normal and natural challenges that come with 
college search and selection PLUS all the variables that come with search and selection during COVID. 
New York Times bestselling author Harlan Cohen is here to help. 
During this lively and interactive event, Harlan helps seniors find the best college fit and gives juniors a 
framework to reduce stress and navigate a year of uncertainty.  Harlan delivers the latest facts, stats, and 
headlines along with practical tools and strategies. This interactive program helps students and parents get 
comfortable with the uncomfortable during a time of heightened anxiety and unpredictable change. 
This event includes live Q&A. 

Save the date:  October 5, 2020 at 8pm EST - Registration link coming!

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Free College Essay Fall Course by The College Essay Guy

This fall, we’re excited to offer students the chance to join a one-month college essay and application course delivered by Ethan Sawyer, AKA the College Essay Guy.

Westford Academy students can join this fall course from September 12th-October 4th at no cost.

Quick info on College Essay Guy:

  • Ethan wrote the current bestselling book on the personal statement, College Essay Essentials

  • He’s well-regarded in the college admissions field and is considered one of the go-to resources on college essays

  • His website has hundreds of free resources for applying to college

  • He has a cool podcast!

This syllabus maps out what Ethan will cover during the courses.

Can’t make the live course dates? You’ll have access to the courses for a year, and recordings of the sessions will be available to all who sign up. 

Here’s how to register for the course:

A.) Go to this registration page.

B.) Enter your name and email.

C.) You’re done! Put the date and time in your calendar, and keep an eye on your email with next steps and instructions for the assignments to complete and how to join the live webinar.

The live course sessions will be held on Saturdays and Sundays starting September 12th at 2-3:30pm Pacific Time (5-6:30pm Eastern)

Thinking of you all,

WA Counseling Department

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

You're invited to a virtual colleges admissions panel

Dear Student,
You and your family members are invited to attend a virtual college admissions panel on “Applying to College During a Pandemic” on Thursday, August 20, 2020 at 7:00 pm via ZOOM.
The COVID-19 pandemic has no doubt changed the way you will go about your college search and application process.  Join this virtual panel of college admission professionals who will share valuable information on applying to college under the current pandemic. 
Tiana Carrasquillo, Worcester State University (MA) - Moderator
Kirsh Donis, Worcester State University (MA)
Geovanny Interiano, Worcester Polytechnic Institute (MA)
Allison Sherlock, Saint Michael's College (VT)

Topics include:
  • Making your college list and finding a good fit
  • Changes to admissions criteria, applications, and deadlines
  • The role of the college essay
  • Financial Aid and Scholarships
  • Attending college during a pandemic – should I stay or should I go?
Register for this FREE event HERE!
Topic: Virtual Panel - Applying to College During a Pandemic
Time: Thursday, August 20 at 7 pm
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 935 3022 1882
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        +1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
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Meeting ID: 935 3022 1882
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Admissions officers from Dartmouth College, Northwestern University, Princeton University, University of California, Berkeley, and Vanderbilt University invite you
Coast to Coast

Admissions officers from Dartmouth College, Northwestern University, Princeton University, University of California, Berkeley, and Vanderbilt University invite you and your students to learn about our institutions, hear advice about the college search and application process, and get your questions answered.

Meant as a brief introduction to the signature aspects of each institution, we'll spend the bulk of our time sharing application advice, financial aid insights, and answering questions submitted by students in advance.

We appreciate you sharing this opportunity with your students if at all possible. You and your colleagues are certainly welcome to attend. The Coast to Coast group is planning on holding a set of counselor events this fall.

Sunday, August 30, 2020
3 p.m. Eastern Time

Webinar link sent upon registration.


Monday, August 31, 2020
5 p.m. Eastern Time

Webinar link sent upon registration.

An RSVP is required.
Can't make it that evening?
Visit the Coast to Coast Tour website for a full list of programs. 


Monday, August 10, 2020

STRIVE Virtual College Exploration STEM Days

Rensselaer invites you to join us this week for a number of online virtual sessions and panels hosted by StriveScan and the College Admissions Collaborative Highlighting Engineering and Technology (CACHET).

You may learn more about the week here, and please register below for the sessions that Rensselaer will be a part of over the next few days.
Internships, Co-Ops, and Research in STEM Fields
Tuesday, August 11 10:00 – 10:45 a.m. EDT 
Studying STEM in Upstate New York
Tuesday, August 11, 1:00 – 1:45 p.m. EDT

STEM + X: Cultivating STEM Interests in College
Thursday, August 13, 1:00 – 1:45 p.m. EDT

RPI Institutional Session
Wednesday, August 12, 1:00 - 1:45 pm EDT
Follow the instructions on the registration form and look for a link to your selected session an hour before the event. We hope you will join us!

Rensselaer Admissions