Thursday, March 1, 2018

Class of 2018 Updates - Scholarships and more

WA Trustee Awards and Community Scholarships 
Reminder for all graduating seniors:  The WA Trustee Award and Community Scholarship application process for the Class of 2018 is underway. The firm deadline for submitting all applications will be Tuesday, March 20 at 2:00 PM. Only applications with a submitted timestamp from March 1 to March 20 will be considered. There will be no extensions or exceptions!  Detailed information and instructions for applying are on the WA website, under Guidance, click on the Senior & Trustee Scholarship link.

Seniors - Graduation Caps & Gowns
If you have not ordered your graduation cap and gown, please see Mrs. Langille in the Main Office as soon as possible.  And, if you plan on wearing a borrowed cap and gown, please let Mrs. Langille know so your name can be removed from the "outstanding list".


David Jonathan Jose Foundation $1000 college scholarship, available to seniors graduating from any Massachusetts High School pursuing higher education in the visual or preforming arts or any subset of the arts.

The DJJ Foundation was formed in 2013 after we lost a talented and courageous young man to cancer at the age of 26. A thespian, David was a talented singer, dancer, and actor. His limitless potential could have taken him anywhere. The goal of our foundation is to continue his legacy, which we are doing by providing students with the educational opportunities to explore their own potential.

In that spirit, we have made our eligibility requirements as inclusive as possible to increase the potential of our talented young people. There is no minimum GPA requirement and unlike many other scholarships we do not limit applicants to U.S. citizens.

This scholarship can be applied to many facets of the student’s college education: tuition, art supplies, books, housing or other cost of living expenses.

Applications for this scholarship can be found on our website, We have also attached the application and a poster within this email.  If you have any questions, please feel free to email us at

College Club of Greater Lowell/Laura Greene Memorial Scholarship
Deadline to apply is 3/21/2017 at 4:00 PM.
The purpose of the scholarship fund is to provide scholarship awards to graduating seniors who reside in Lowell, Tewksbury, Chelmsford, Dracut, Billerica, Westford, and Tyngsboro.
Required Essay Question(s):
Essay: Applicants must write a carefully organized, fully developed essay (using specific examples) between 500 and 1000 words using one of the following topics:
•    Define what popular culture is saying about your generation through books, movies, music etc. Is it a realistic definition?
•    What is the most pressing issue facing your generation today and what do you think can be done to correct it?
•    If you could do anything in life and know you would not fail, what would it be, and why?
•    What person, event, or thing has had the most influence on making you the person you are today and how?

The George Coleman Scholarship
Sponsored by the New England Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (NEACRAO)

Each year, the New England Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers awards scholarships to three high school graduates who will be enrolling in a NEACRAO member institution for the fall semester of that year. Each high school graduate who is selected is awarded $2,000*. Each recipient of the scholarship is selected from candidates who are recommended by New England secondary school guidance professionals.
*Upon proof of enrollment at the NEACRAO member institution for the fall semester of that year.
Scholarship deadline is March 15 Sleep Health Scholarship
Each student who is awarded our scholarship will be given $1,000 towards their university or college fees. The scholarship is awarded once every academic year and is open to all students in the United States who meet the eligibility criteria.

  • Current high school (or home-schooled) seniors attending school in the United States or Canada OR current college students already studying at an accredited U.S. post-secondary institution
  • You must be a U.S. citizen
  • Anticipating completion of high-school diploma at time of application or already in possession of high-school diploma/GED
  • Planning to or currently pursuing a degree at an accredited U.S. post-secondary institution
  • Carrying a minimum 3.00 GPA
**If you cannot find Mattress Help’s Sleep Health Scholarship listed on your university or college’s financial aid website, please ask the financial aid office to list our scholarship.**
Scholarship applications close on Sept 25th every year. The scholarship winner will be notified via email within one month of the annual deadline.
Please submit your scholarship application to our email address.
To apply, please create a short video (no longer than 5 minutes) that answers the following:
  • What factors most negatively and positively affect your sleep?
  • Assess the quality of your own sleep health and discuss some ways that you can improve it.
  • Make your video creative and impactful both to yourself and others.
  • The most creative submission will win the scholarship each year.
Upload your video to YouTube, make sure it is titled “Mattress Help Scholarship Submission – Your Name – Year” and include the link when you submit your application below.
Note: by submitting this form you agree to allow Mattress Help to use your video for promotional purposes (it will be posted to our site and potentially other locations once we announce the winner).

UNICO Merrimack Valley Scholarship
This year, we expect to offer five (5) $2,500 scholarships.

Here is a link to our website:  There, you will find a page for The UNICO Merrimack Valley Scholarship together with instructions on the application process and the “fillable” application form itself.  The application deadline is March 15th, 2018.

**Additional Scholarships can be found on, and Naviance under "Scholarship List"

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